Learn what’s happening at Impact Hub Houston and in our community …
Environmental Action: What is Impact Hub Doing to Address Key Environmental Issues?
For the launch of our global Environmental Strategy, we spoke to Anne Merkle, Environmental Lead at Impact Hub Network. Q: First things first, tell us, why do you do what you do? A: Simply put, because I carry a deep love for our planet in me and...
Be the Change for Climate Change: Get Ready for Climathon Houston 2021!
Getting Ready for Climathon Houston 2021: A Look at Climathon 2020 Winner InnoGrid In 2020, 11 teams gathered at Climathon Houston to develop solutions to the challenges presented in the City of Houston’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). Three teams’...
New Partnership with LiftFund: Harris County Small Business Relief Fund Outreach!
Harris County has created a new $30 Million Small Business Relief Fund to support micro and small businesses recovering from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Created with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Small...
Female Founder Puts Her Mission into Action
How female founder Action Jackson impacts the face of business in Houston Written by Impact Hub Houston Team member Camila Aguiar. She was born Joy, but chose Action as her moniker. "After all, an idea without action is worth nothing,” she says. ...
Houston Founder Makes Impact for Safer, Healthier Environments
McMac Cx creating safe and healthy environments, one building at a time Written by Impact Hub Houston Team member Nabiha Khetani. Founder and President of McMac Cx, a company devoted to safer and healthier buildings and environments, David MacLean...
Female Founder Impacts Education Quality through Technology
How a female founder is impacting education quality by targeting self-esteem through technology Written by Impact Hub Houston Team member Camila Aguiar. When you talk to Margo Jordan it is hard to imagine that she once suffered from low...
Investing2030: Redefining the Future of ROI
Now that COVID-19 and climate change have profoundly disrupted society and our economies, how might we innovate investment in impact and build more just, equitable, and resilient economies by 2030? We are addressing this at the Impact Hub Houston’s...
Workforce Solutions, MassChallenge, and Impact Hub Houston Join Forces to Support Female Founders
Workforce Solutions selects MassChallenge and Impact Hub Houston to operate a startup bootcamp designed for female founders. (Houston, TX) April 1, 2021 – MassChallenge, the global network for innovators, Workforce Solutions, the public workforce...
Announcing: Frost Bank Sponsors First Accelerate Scholarships for Female Founders at Impact Hub Houston
FROST BANK SPONSORS FIRST ACCELERATE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FEMALE FOUNDERS AT IMPACT HUB HOUSTON 2021 March 18 – Houston, TX – Impact Hub Houston, a nonprofit impact innovation incubator dedicated to helping diverse changemakers and social entrepreneurs...
Since the inception of Impact Hub Houston, we’ve worked to build not only an inclusive and equitable community, but also a welcoming and supportive one — a community that opens it doors, resources, and network to changemakers from all walks of life. We hope to uplift their stories and get them the recognition they deserve.
Grace Rodriguez
Executive Director, Impact Hub Houston