
July 16


12:00 - 13:30

Event Category:

Impact Hub, Impact Hub Houston

Click to Register: Click to Register

Impact Hub Ottawa

Website: Organizer's Website
Take action! How to centre inclusion & anti-racism in your businesses & business support programs.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or developing programs to support them, designing for inclusion will invite more people in, and help them to feel welcome once they’re there. It can’t be achieved overnight, and it won’t happen without commitment and some discomfort, but there are steps you can take – straight away.

Join us to hear from inclusion leaders about actionable strategies for building anti-racism and inclusivity into your business and programs.


Who should come?

  • Whether you’re a nonprofit professional, program designer, entrepreneur, self-employed or just looking to take a leap into entrepreneurship, you are welcome to join.
  • This event is welcoming of everyone, including BIPoC, transgender, two-spirit and non-binary individuals. We aim to create a ‘brave space‘ to voice and discuss the inclusion challenges your business or organization is facing.

This event is being hosted in partnership with the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH), of which Impact Hub Ottawa is one of ten Regional Hubs.

Led by Ryerson University’s Diversity Institute, the Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship and the Ted Rogers School of Management with over 50 partner organizations, WEKH is a nation-wide network of researchers, business support organizations, and key stakeholders aiming to reduce barriers and grow women’s entrepreneurship in Canada.

Learn more about WEKH here.

Dirigé par le Ryerson University’s Diversity Institute, le Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship et la Ted Rogers School of Management (ces trois sites sont en anglais seulement) et en partenariat avec plus de 50 organisations, le Portail de connaissances pour les femmes en entrepreneuriat (PCFE) est un réseau national de chercheurs, d’organisations de soutien aux entreprises et d’intervenants clés dont le but est de réduire les barrières et de faire croître l’entrepreneuriat féminin au Canada.

En savoir plus ici.