Whether you’re flying solo or growing your startup, there’s a community of changemakers eager to connect and support you along your journey. Join us at these events — many virtual so you can attend from anywhere in the world — and start engaging with our global impact + innovation ecosystem!


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Feb 03
Impact Hub Berlin Open House Week #3
Impact Hub Berlin - Rollbergstraße 28A, 12053 Berlin
Feb 04
Impact Hub Berlin Open House Week #3
Impact Hub Berlin - Rollbergstraße 28A, 12053 Berlin
Feb 04
Need for Speed(Networking)
Impact Hub Berlin - Rollbergstraße 28A, 12053 Berlin


Open Table: test & talk about your product or service

Impact Hub Berlin Rollbergstraße 28A, 12053 Berlin, Berlin, BE, DE

We are inviting sustainable food and agrifood startups to our entrepreneurial open table for a product testing session you won’t forget.You bring your agrifood products, innovative services & formats, and other brilliant ideas.We – the Impact Hub Berlin community will serve you fresh, hot, and honest feedback in return. Why? Because honest, productive feedback and […]

Cup of Joey

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Cup of Joey is a coffee Happy Hour for Innovative Ideas.What is the purpose of Cup of Joey? It is to create a connected culture of coffee shop-open networking across our region. Every Friday morning, you'll have the opportunity to meet new and expand your current networks, talk about tech, inspire innovation, and create community.So, […]

Founder Hotseat: Expone tu idea a los expertos en Mexico City (Webinar)

¿Tienes un startup, o una idea poderosa para una startup? ¿Podrías usar esa retroalimentación franca y honesta sobre tus ideas de la mano de empresarios experimentados? Entonces únete a nosotros para el evento Fundador Hotseat, del Founder Institute. Durante este evento, los miembros de la audiencia presentarán sus ideas a un panel de expertos, quienes […]

Cup of Joey

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Cup of Joey is a coffee Happy Hour for Innovative Ideas.What is the purpose of Cup of Joey? It is to create a connected culture of coffee shop-open networking across our region. Every Friday morning, you'll have the opportunity to meet new and expand your current networks, talk about tech, inspire innovation, and create community.So, […]

Let’s Code Together!

Online event

Hi! Please join us in working together this Saturday afternoon. Bring your coding projects and questions. All skill levels are welcome! Invite anyone you know who has coding projects or even online learning they would like to do. All are welcome. We are looking to provide a friendly and helpful environment to ladies who code […]

Ion Open Accelerator: Monopolizing Your Industry Channel

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Join us for a workshop on how small startups have grown to become global monopolies in very short periods of time.Having participated in several startups that have grown to dominate their industry, Jared Nielsen provides insight into how small startups have grown to become global monopolies in a very short period of time. In an […]

How Tech Startups are Evaluated by VC

根據哈佛大學的一項研究,即使有機會對創投(VC)募資的企業家,獲得資金的機率也非常低。 調查發現,創投(VC)最終完成的每筆交易,該公司平均考慮 101 個機會。 其中 28 個將獲得與管理層的會議; 10 個將在合作夥伴會議上進行審查; 4.8 個將進入盡職調查(Due Diligence); 1.7 個將獲得投资 Term Sheet; 最后只有 1 個會得到投資。 我們邀請台灣和美國的 VC 分享投資漏斗是什麼樣的,決策過程如何運作,VC 如何評估科技創業公司等。 主題:·        VC 投資漏斗的流程和決策過程;·        不同投資者對不同行業新創最關注的商業指標和評估點;·        科技新創的估值如何決定;·        您需要為投資者的盡職調查準備什麼?·        Founder Institute Taiwan Go Global Program 如何協助台灣新創準備好對美國或東南亞 VC 募資? What You'll […]

Pitcha tu Startup o tu idea a Mexico City Invesionistas y Expertos Online

Tienes una startup o una idea para una compañia? Te serviría la retroalimentación honesta en las ideas de tu compañía? En esta sesión online interactiva online podrás pitchar tus ideas a un panel de Mexico City inversionistas de capital semilla y de expertos para que evaluen y den feedback, desde la comodidad de tu casa. […]

Cup of Joey

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Cup of Joey is a coffee Happy Hour for Innovative Ideas.What is the purpose of Cup of Joey? It is to create a connected culture of coffee shop-open networking across our region. Every Friday morning, you'll have the opportunity to meet new and expand your current networks, talk about tech, inspire innovation, and create community.So, […]

Ion Open Accelerator: Guaranteed B2B Trade Show Leads

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Join us to learn about B2B Trade Shows, which, when done correctly, can be your least expensive and most profitable marketing tool.B2B Trade Shows, when done correctly, can be your […]

Mingle Mondays: Med & Health Tech

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Join us on the third Monday of the month as we build Houston’s Med & Health Tech community the Ion!Houston is home to the world's largest medical center, the Texas […]

Co-Founders Connect: Find a Business Partner Online

Building a great Co-Founder team is one of the most difficult yet important steps in founding a startup. While many founders may start alone, there are multiple benefits of having […]

Cup of Joey

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Cup of Joey is a coffee Happy Hour for Innovative Ideas.What is the purpose of Cup of Joey? It is to create a connected culture of coffee shop-open networking across […]

Let’s Code Together!

Online event

Hi! Please join us in working together this Saturday afternoon. Bring your coding projects and questions. All skill levels are welcome! Invite anyone you know who has coding projects or […]

How to Go Global from Taiwan with A Venture Building System

80% 以上的台灣中小企業/初創企業需要走向全球,但能夠幫助他們在全球市場建立成功企業的資源非常有限。許多人嘗試在新市場僱銷售代表或分銷商,但後來發現時間和金錢都被浪費了。一些專家建議在新市場與新團隊建立合資企業(JV)是最好的方式,但理想的 JV 夥伴在哪裡?對海外投資人如何成功募資?我們建立了一個新系統來提供幫助。 如果您想知道如何走向全球市場,請參加此在線會議,與 Founder Institute “Taiwan Go Global” 的核心團隊會谈並了解軟著陸計劃。 我們建立一個全球網絡,連接經過驗證的中小企業、行業領導者、大企業、全球生態合作夥伴和投資者,在線上提供 “Taiwan Go Global” Program。 在做出重大決定之前,人在舒適的台灣就可以建立全球化創業公司的 DNA、會見全球顧問、制定商業計劃、甚至建立新市場的合作夥伴或團隊。主題: 介紹 “Taiwan Go Global” 加速器計劃 -- 方法與陪伴過程 介紹 Founder Institute 和我們的全球夥伴網絡以及終身支持 如何從美國或東南亞投資者那裡籌集資金,那種投資人對公司最有價值? […]

Zoom Meet & Greet with Nuremberg Directors

With the Nuremberg 2023 program starting soon, it's a great time to join this online 'Meet and Greet' event with Nuremberg Founder Institute Directors. Get to know the people that […]

Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours

The Ion 4201 Main street, Houston, TX 77002, Houston, TX, US

Join us at the Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours to discuss how to build your ideas!What is the Ion Prototyping Lab (IPL)?The Ion Prototyping Lab is where your ideas meet […]

Zoom Meet & Greet with Raleigh Directors & Alumni

With the Raleigh 2023 program starting soon, it's a great time to join this online 'Meet and Greet' event with Raleigh Founder Institute Directors and Alumni. Get to know the […]