Impact Talks: Decolonial Travel

Impact Talks: Decolonial Travel

Explore how colonial legacies shape modern tourism & how decolonial approaches can make travel more inclusive, empowering local communities.

Inspire your luncthimes with monthly talks from experts and entrepreneurs creating real change in climate and social action.

Welcome to Impact Talks!

The word ‘Impact’ has been overused and misused in today’s world of green washing and disinformation.

Through our exciting new online series, Impact Talks, we want to put the meaning back into the word ‘Impact’ by welcoming entrepreneurs and experts who are helping to create real change to speak about the work they do and how others can become changemakers as well.

Join us each month to put some oomph back into your lunchtimes and hear from motivating speakers on the topics of:

  • Sustainable Food
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Circular Economy
  • Green Tech

These are the focus area of our four ecosystems, where we see the greatest potential for entrepreneurship and collective action. Get in touch to find out more about opportunities to collaborate!

This event series is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs and Climate Action as part of Nachhaltig Wirken. It is also made possible through our partners, Lufthansa Group.

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact | Toronto Edition

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact | Toronto Edition

Join our FREE event to learn more about scaling and expanding your impact!

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact

Be part of something bigger. Join us for the Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact – Toronto Edition, a free, virtual event for change-makers, innovators, business leaders, and bold thinkers who are working toward real change in Toronto.

Hosted by Impact Hub—a global network of 120+ locations with 15+ years of supporting impact-led leaders— in collaboration with Centre for Social Innovation, this event is for anyone passionate about creating local solutions for global change.

From Caracas to Lagos to Shanghai, we are experts in hosting and supporting communities of change-makers through entrepreneurial programs and physical workspaces.

Across our diverse network, one thing has become clear: community is the most valuable asset, and meaningful impact happens through collective action.

That’s why we’re hosting virtual conversations about socio-entrepreneurial communities building tailored to the specific needs of a local ecosystem. Our next stop? Toronto.

Join us for a virtual panel discussion about evolving and scaling social enterprise ecosystems in Toronto. “Evolving” is not just an adjective here; it’s a verb; we’ll explore questions about how we are building more inclusive & equitable systems to support social entrepreneurs across our city and how we can work toward sustainable systems for enabling local social impact-focused business. Are you joining us?

What to expect?

Whether you’re looking to ignite community initiatives or scale your existing ecosystem, this event offers the support, insights, and connections to fuel your journey. Featuring perspectives from the private and public sectors, Grace Rodriguez, Impact Hub Houston Co-founder and Impact Hub North America Regional Host, will moderate the conversation. We’ll hear insights from panelists, including:

We are looking forward to seeing you on February 6th! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at [email protected]

When: 6th February 2025, at 6 pm ET.

Duration: 1h30min

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact | Atlanta Edition

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact | Atlanta Edition

Join our FREE event to learn more about scaling and expanding your impact!

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact

Be part of something bigger. Join us for the Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact – Atlanta Edition, a free, virtual event for change-makers, innovators, business leaders, and bold thinkers who are working toward real change in Atlanta.

Hosted by Impact Hub—a global network of 120+ locations with 15+ years of supporting impact-led leaders— in collaboration with Plywood People, this event is for anyone passionate about creating local solutions for global change.

From Caracas to Lagos to Shanghai, we are experts in hosting and supporting communities of change-makers through entrepreneurial programs and physical workspaces.

Across our diverse network, one thing has become clear: community is the most valuable asset, and meaningful impact happens through collective action.

That’s why we’re hosting virtual conversations about socio-entrepreneurial community-building tailored to the specific needs of a local ecosystem. Our next stop? Atlanta.

Join us for a virtual panel discussion about evolving and scaling social enterprise ecosystems in Atlanta. “Evolving” is not just an adjective here; it’s a verb; we’ll explore questions about how we are building more inclusive & equitable systems to support social entrepreneurs across our city and how we can work toward sustainable systems for enabling local social impact-focused business. Are you joining us?

What to expect?

Whether you’re looking to ignite community initiatives or scale your existing ecosystem, this event offers the support, insights, and connections to fuel your journey. Featuring perspectives from the private and public sectors, Grace Rodriguez, Impact Hub Houston Co-founder and Impact Hub North America Regional Host, will moderate the conversation. We’ll hear insights from panelists, including:

We are looking forward to seeing you on February 5th! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at [email protected]

When: 5th February 2025, at 6 pm ET.

Duration: 1h30min

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact | Los Angeles Edition

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact | Los Angeles Edition

Join our FREE event to learn more about scaling and expanding your impact!

Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact

Be part of something bigger. Join us for the Scaling Entrepreneurial Communities for Impact – Los Angeles Edition, a free, virtual event for change-makers, innovators, business leaders, and bold thinkers who are working toward real change in Los Angeles.

Hosted by Impact Hub—a global network of 120+ locations with 15+ years of supporting impact-led leaders— in collaboration with Cali Team, this event is for anyone passionate about creating local solutions for global change.

From Caracas to Lagos to Shanghai, we are experts in hosting and supporting communities of change-makers through entrepreneurial programs and physical workspaces.

Across our diverse network, one thing has become clear: community is the most valuable asset, and meaningful impact happens through collective action.

That’s why we’re hosting virtual conversations about socio-entrepreneurial communities building tailored to the specific needs of a local ecosystem. Our next stop? Los Angeles.

Join us for a virtual panel discussion about evolving and scaling social enterprise ecosystems in Los Angeles. “Evolving” is not just an adjective here; it’s a verb; we’ll explore questions about how we are building more inclusive & equitable systems to support social entrepreneurs across our city and how we can work toward sustainable systems for enabling local social impact-focused business. Are you joining us?

What to expect?

Whether you’re looking to ignite community initiatives or scale your existing ecosystem, this event offers the support, insights, and connections to fuel your journey. Featuring perspectives from the private and public sectors, Grace Rodriguez, Impact Hub Houston Co-founder and Impact Hub North America Regional Host, will moderate the conversation. We’ll hear insights from panelists, including:

  • Isabelle Bart, Senior Business Advisor at CaliTeam
  • Jodi Dolan, Founder + Executive Director at The Laundry Truck LA
  • Jade Clemens, Director, Economic + Workforce Development at AltaSea

We are looking forward to seeing you on February 4th! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at [email protected]

When: 4th February 2025, at 5:30 pm GMT -8.

Duration: 1h30min

Future Founders Day | 6th Edition

Future Founders Day | 6th Edition

Are you an Impact Hub Founder to be? Then this event is for you! Join us and learn everything about starting an Impact Hub in your city!

Welcome to the sixth edition of our Future Founders Day, a free online event for entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders who want to start an Impact Hub in their cities.

Impact Hub is a global network of over 25,000 individuals working together to drive positive change in 120+ locations worldwide. For 20 years, we have supported Impact Makers and cultivated valuable insights on how to build and operate businesses that prioritize our planet and its people. We are seeking aspiring founders who share our passion for creating a sustainable future and are interested in starting an Impact Hub in their city.

Join our Future Founders Day on January 23rd, where we will provide you with all the essential information you need to kick-start your founding journey toward building a successful Impact Hub. During the event, you’ll gain an exclusive glimpse into the Impact Hub Business Model and Vision. You’ll also hear inspiring stories from successful Impact Hub co-founders who are making a real difference in their cities. Here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • Welcome: Let’s get to know each other!
  • Insights: Impact Hub Network Vision and Business Model
  • Impact Hub Experiences: Impact Hub Co-Founders Panel
  • Questions and Closing

We are looking forward to seeing you on January 23rd! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at [email protected]

Воркшоп з постановки цілей на 2025 рік

Воркшоп з постановки цілей на 2025 рік

Креативний воркшоп з Тетяною Кравчук постановки цілей на майбутнє.

Шановна молодь в регіоні Базеля!

🌟 Запрошуємо вас на воркшоп: «Постановка цілей на 2025 рік» 🌟

📅 Коли: Пн, 11 грудня 2024 року
Час: 16:30 – 20:00

❗ о 17:00 починається воркшоп! Будь ласка, не запізнюйтесь.

📍 Де: Impact Hub Basel (Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel)

Це буде святковий вечір з теплою атмосферою, де наша гостя Тетяна Кравчук навчить нас, як правильно поставити цілі та сформулювати свої побажання.

В рамках цього воркшопу ми будемо:

🔹 багато малювати

🔹 спілкуватись

🔹навчимось використовувати нейрографіку для натхнення, розвитку творчості та для постановки цілей

🔹а в кінці замовимо піццу та разом будумо святкувати наближення Різдва та Нового року

Реєстрація обов’язкова і кількість місць обмежена до 25 осіб.

Якщо Ви зареєструвалися, але не зможете прийти, повідомте будь ласка про це , щоб ваще місце не пропало і ми змогли запросити когось іншого.

Чекаємо на вас на нашому заході.

Марина Хаслєр, Яна Скальфаро, Аля Горшкова та Женя Лавічка

✨Проект для української молоді в Базелі Youth Support Program @Impact Hub Basel

Impact Hub Basel, Children-UA, HEKS beide Basel


Реєструючись на цей захід, ви погоджуєтесь на фотографування під час заходу та погоджуєтесь, що фотографії можуть бути використані для офіційної комунікації проекту Youth Support Project.

PME romandes : Relever le défi de la gestion de la matière

PME romandes : Quelles opportunités pour faire face au défi de la gestion de la matière ?

Parmi les nombreux enjeux de la transition, l’augmentation du prix des matières premières et les changements législatifs, notamment sur la gestion des déchets, amènent leur lot de défis et de pressions supplémentaires pour les PME romandes. Ces problématiques nécessitent de repenser les modèles d’affaires et de mener un travail de fond sur toute la chaîne de valeur. Il faut donc considérer les boucles dans un processus aujourd’hui encore trop linéaire et penser la matière dans toute sa composition/montage et décomposition/démontage pour que la récupération des matières entre dans une boucle circulaire.

Dans cette conférence-atelier, des experts du domaine feront un point sur la situation actuelle et donneront des pistes et des ressources concrètes pour une transition dérisquée. Des intervenants et des PME partageront également leurs propres expériences. Cet événement fait partie du programme “PME de demain” porté par Impact Hub et InTent (plus d’informations ci-dessous).

Programme: Le programme détaillé vous sera communiqué par la suite, il comprendra notamment :

  • La présence d’experts des modèles circulaires et de la législation liée à la gestion de la matière
  • L’intervention de PME qui partageront leurs expériences et leurs approches face à ces défis
  • Un court échange sous la forme d’un atelier participatif, afin de préciser les défis en fonction du contexte et des particularités des PME présentes


L’entrée est payante. Les membres du programme et les partenaires bénéficient de tarifs et de conditions préférentiels. Réservez votre place dès maintenant ici.

Tarif pour les externes : 85.-

Tarif pour les partenaires* et PME de moins de 20 collaborateurs : 50.-

Tarif pour les PME inscrites annuellement : gratuit (prix compris dans le forfait annuel)**

*Vous êtes partenaire si vous remplissez l’une des conditions suivantes:

  • Votre entreprise est membre de la CVCI, la FSE ou la Fablag
  • Vous souhaitez participer à l’amélioration du programme en nous fournissant un feedback approfondi à travers une séance de 45min à la suite des modules (Contactez-nous en cliquant ici pour devenir partenaire)

**Le forfait annuel vous permet d’accéder à tout le programme et de bénéficier de tous les avantages : 1000 CHF pour une participation jusqu’à deux collaborateurs, 2000 CHF jusqu’à 5 collaborateurs (Contactez-nous en cliquant ici pour trouver le forfait annuel adapté à vos besoins)


*Qu’est-ce que le programme PME de demain ?

PME de demain est une série d’événements thématiques proposée par Impact Hub et InTent. Il est destiné aux entreprises romandes qui souhaitent s’informer sur les défis et les opportunités de la transition. Le programme est réalisé en partenariat avec la Chambre vaudoise du commerce et de l’industrie (CVC) et la Fédération Suisse des entreprises.

L’objectif de “PME de demain” est d’apporter une information aux PME romandes sur les questions de transition : pressions législatives, gestion de la matière, digitalisation et profession durable.

Avec ce programme en 5 événements, les PME ont un accès facilité aux ressources existantes, ainsi qu’aux informations spécifiques leur permettant de mieux comprendre les enjeux de la transition, ceci tout en se connectant à leur réseau.

Plus d’informations sur :

Build your collaboration strategy

Find and level with the best partners in the textile supply chain to grow your business.

Collaborations between social enterprises and established businesses in strategic partnerships is a complex, risky and challenging process. However, it also has huge benefits to make more impact faster, smarter and cheaper.

In the Impact Nation program, we have developed a methodology together with ABN AMRO and TNW to support social enterprises and established businesses to identify opportunities to collaborate and make more impact faster.

In our session, we invite social entrepreneurs and established companies from the Dutch textile industry to join us for an interactive session to uncover the secrets of successful strategic partnerships.

As a social entrepreneur, you will also learn to speak the language of medium-sized companies from this industry and use this in your sales strategy. As an established business, you can meet innovative entrepreneurs and explore potential collaborations.

After this session you have:

1) New inspiration on the latest impact trends in textile

2) Knowledge on what Open Innovation is and how it can support you in tackling your impact challenges

3) New ideas based on talks with potential partners to actually solve your biggest impact challenges


14:00-14:10 Walk-in

14:00-14:05 Introduction

14:15-14:30 Guest talk from alumni Resortecs

14:30-15:00 Talk: Inspiration on innovation & collaboration in textile

15:00-16:00 Discussion: Open innovation methodology (with ABN AMRO)

16:00-16:25 Break

16:25-16:45 Interactive session

16:45-17:00 Wrap-up

17:00-18:00 Drinks

Hosted by: Impact Hub Amsterdam, ABN AMRO (Impact Nation and ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund)

Pictured: By Rockland, which designs, produces and supplies fully customised sustainable workwear in collaboration with well-known and up-and-coming Dutch designers. The company uses materials such as GOTS-certified cotton while considering wear resistance and washability criteria. Rockland’s production occurs in Europe’s slow fashion studios.

SIA Türkiye 2023 – Ödül Töreni & Topluluk Buluşması

Dünyayı değiştirme potansiyeli olan fikirleri dinleyeceğimiz ödül töreninde buluşuyoruz.

SIA Türkiye 23’te Beklenen An Geldi!

Sosyal etki odaklı genç girişimcileri destekleyen Social Impact Award programının 6 finalisti, jüri karşısına çıkıyor. Programa seçilen 6 ekip, iş geliştirme atölyeleri, eğitimler, mentorluk, koçluk desteği ve topluluk buluşmaları içeren yoğun bir kuluçka programından geçti. Şimdi sıra, finalistlerin, toplumsal ve çevresel meselelere ilişkin geliştirdiği çözümleri dinlemeye geldi.

4 Ekim Çarşamba günü, Impact Hub İstanbul’da, saat 13.00’da gerçekleşecek etkinliğimizde, 6 girişimci sunumlarını yapacak ve jürilerimizin değerlendirmeleri sonucunda, SIA 23 Türkiye’nin kazanan 3 girişimi belirlenecek.

Geleceğe iyi gelecek genç girişimcileri yakından tanımak ve mikro ölçekte de olsa, dünyayı değiştirebilme potansiyelimizi birlikte ümit etmek için siz de bize katılın, SIA topluluğumuzu birlikte büyütelim.


13.00 – 13.15 KARŞILAMA


13.25 – 13.40 Çağrı Küpeli ile Merakın Peşinden Koş

13.40 – 14.22 SUNUMLAR: BÖLÜM 1

14.22 – 14.32 ARA

14.32 – 15.14 SUNUMLAR: BÖLÜM 2



16.00 – 18.00 NETWORKING & KOKTEYL

Circular Economy Investor Matchmaking Event (Online)

Circular Economy Investor Matchmaking Event (Online)

Join an afternoon of action-packed speed-dating event for investors and early stage Circular Economy startups.

If you are an investor (angel / VC/ family office / CVC / others) and are open to investing in Circular Economy startups, this event is for you.

Out of hundreds of applications, 14 circular economy startups were selected earlier this year to join the Circular Together Incubator, powered by Impact Hub Berlin. These startups are a select group of early stage circular economy startups, each with a unique approach to solving some of today’s most pressing environmental challenges. These startups have been hand-picked for their innovative ideas, strong potential for growth, and commitment to building a sustainable future. After 6 months of market validation and business model development, the teams are now in advanced stages of development.

The event is designed to bring together these promising startups and savvy investors who are interested in exploring investment opportunities in the circular economy space.

How it works

Before the event

We will share one-pagers of the teams with you over email, and you can indicate which teams you would like to be matched with.

We will then create a grid and send you a detailed briefing of the event. We try our best to give you your exact matches, but in interest of all requests, you might also be matched with a similar startup.

During the event

You will speed-date startups in Zoom breakout rooms, and will have 30 minutes per startup. Depending on interest, there might be more than one investors in a room, but at no point would there be more than two investors in each room.

After the event

After the event, we are happy to introduce you to other startups that you have been interested in, but didn’t get a chance to interact, but we leave it to you and startups to take the relationship forward.


If you prefer, you can also choose to not pre-select startups, and let us choose and match-make for you.

For any questions, feel free to reach out to

About Impact Hub Berlin

Impact Hub Berlin empowers entrepreneurs and organisations to create innovative solutions for people and the planet. Since 2014, we’ve worked to connect, enable and inspire our network to scale their ideas for a future that works for all. We coordinate a community of impact-driven members, host a creative space for engaging events, and run a consultancy for business innovation and sustainability.

Sign up here for news on our upcoming events.