Digital Event Series // Food-Tech Gründer im Gespräch

OURZ & Friedhold, zwei Startups mit digitalen Lösungen für nachhaltigen Lebensmittelkonsum stellen sich vor.

Meeting Link:

Wie können digitale Lösungen dazu beitragen, den Lebensmittelsektor fairer und nachhaltiger zu gestalten? Genau darüber möchten wir in der kommenden Episode unserer Digital Event Series mit den Gründern zweier aufstrebender Food-Tech Startups diskutieren:

OURZ nutzt Blockchain-Technologie, und ermöglicht Konsument*innen mit ihrer App die Herkunft und Qualität von Produkten genau nachzuverfolgen und somit bewusstere Kaufentscheidungen zu treffen.

Friedhold unterstützt Landwirt*innen mit einem smarten Software-Tool dabei, einen Online Handel in wenigen Schritten aufzubauen und ihre Produkte an Kund*innen aus ihrer Region zu vertreiben.

Für dieses Event bringen wir unser Green Tech und unser Sustainable Food Ökosystem quasi an einen Tisch.

Seid dabei und freut euch auf knackige Präsentationen der beiden Gründer. Wie immer haben wir aber auch ausreichend Zeit für eine Q&A-Session eingeplant, in der ihr Antworten zu all euren brennenden Fragen erhalten werdet.

Wir freuen uns schon riesig auf den Austausch mit euch!

SIA Türkiye 2023 – Açılış Etkinliği

SIA Türkiye 2023 – Açılış Etkinliği

Değişim yaratmak isteyen gençlerden biri isen bu yolculukta ilk koltuğunu kapmak üzere açılış etkinliğimizde buluşmaya hazır mısın?

SIA Türkiye 2023, 5.Senesinde Senin İçin Başlıyor!

2009’dan beri 25’ten fazla ülkede 30 yaş altı sosyal etki ve değişim yaratmak isteyen gençlere, sosyal girişimcilik yolculuğunda eşlik eden Social Impact Award Programı, Impact Hub Istanbul çatısı altında ve Anadolu Efes’in partnerliği ile devam ediyor.

Global bir kuluçka destek programı olan SIA programının kapsamını, Türkiye’de SIA’nın ne gibi destek alanları sunduğunu ve seni neler beklediğini konuşacağımız çevrim içi açılış etkinliğinde, bir araya gelmek için heyecanlıyız. Aynı zamanda etkinlikte, önceki senelerin kazanan girişimcileri ile SIA yolculuklarını ve şimdilerde neler yaptıklarını konuşacağız.

Toplumsal ve çevresel meselelere dair yaşadığın toplumda, sosyal etki ve değişim yaratmak istiyorsan; ama nereden başlayacağını bilemiyorsan, farklı fikirler ve ilham bulabileceğin bu etkinliğe davetlisin. Takvimini 12 Mayıs Cuma günü saat 14.00’a ayarlamayı ve SIA Turkey web sitesine göz atmayı unutma 😉

Etkinlik Programı

Anadolu Efes ve Impact Hub İstanbul ve ile Açılış Konuşmaları

Kısaca Sosyal Girişimcilik

Social Impact Award Programı Nedir ve Neler İçerir

İlham Almak İsteyenler İçin Konuk Girişimcilerle Sohbet

Gökçe Aydan Işık, Mimbiosis Kurucu Ortağı (SIA 2022 Kazananlarından )

Ayşegül Şen, Refresh Kurucu Ortağı (SIA 2022 Kazananlarından)

Soru & Cevap

*Katılım linki etkinlik kaydınız tamamladıktan sonra, takip eden birkaç gün içinde e-posta olarak iletilecektir.

Як займатися нетворкінгом у Швейцарії?

Як займатися нетворкінгом у Швейцарії?

Youth Support Program запрошує українську молодь в регіоні Базель на воркшоп про особливості нетворкінгу в Швейцарії

А ви чули про книжку «Ніколи не їжте на одинці» Кейт Феррацці?

Це – одна з найкращих книжок, присвячених темі нетворкінгу.

❓Але що це означає? Чи справді треба постійно їсти з кимось чи то образне висловлювання? 🙂

❓Які є типи нетворкінгу?

❓А для чого це мені?

❓Я – не дуже комунікаційна людина. І як мені це робити?

❓Як мені допоможе нетворкінг у отриманні місця для навчання / учнівства / практики / роботи в Швейцарії?

Ото ж тут може бути дуже багато питань. Тому ми запросили професіонала в цій темі – Міхі Бідера, який на цьому собаку з’їв.

📌 Міхі поділитися з нами тим, для чого потрібен нетворкінг, з чого його розпочинати, якщо ти в нових обставинах, або країні, наведе приклади ефективного нетворкінгу в Швейцарії, а також надасть можливість застосувати нові знання у форматі воркшопу, щоб «понетворкіти» прямо там на місці.

📌Особистий план розвитку – обговорення у колі прогресу та складнощів

Також запрошуємо учасників Youth Support Program Conference (11-12 березня 2023), які розробили свій особистий план розвитку та цілі пов’язані із навчанням та отримання професії у Швейцарії, залишитись на додаткові півгодини після воркшопу для обговорення успіхів та складнощів на шляху досягнення визначених цілей.

Кількість місць обмежена, то ж реєструйтеся вчасно.

Ваші Женя Лавічка та Олена Больгер

Co-leads Youth Support Program

Impact Hub Basel, Children-UA


Реєструючись на цей захід, ви погоджуєтесь на фотографування під час заходу та погоджуєтесь, що фотографії можуть бути використані для офіційної комунікації проекту Youth Support Project.

13 years of Impact – Look back, look ahead & celebrate

13 years of Impact – Look back, look ahead & celebrate

Impact Hub Vienna turns 13 and is waiting for its community and partners to celebrate and blow out the candle together!

13 years ago, we stepped into the atelier space at Lindengasse 56 and welcomed the founding members of Impact Hub.

A lot has happened since: An amazing community grew, countless connections – likely and unlikely – were created, start-ups on all issues that matter were born and scaled, three more floors added, a new Climate Lab opened, our network expanded to cities all around the world, and a lot more.

We cordially invite you to reflect, appreciate and celebrate with us.


18.00 Aperitif

18.30 Looking back at our last 13 years and looking ahead

The aperitive has LIMITED SEATS, only 80 tickets are available


20.00 Doors open for Community party (200 tickets)

So here is to renewed commitments, amazing opportunities, and with immense gratitude for inspiring experiences everyday!

Your Impact Hub Vienna Team

*A note on photography

We typically create photos at events we host. The photos are published to represent our activities on our website and in social media channels as well as possibly in print media, especially brochures, folders, etc. Further information on data protection, in particular, your right to Information, correction, deletion, etc can be found at

By registering for this event, you agree to have your picture taken.

Community Jam – How does OpenAI shape our life?

Community Jam – How does OpenAI shape our life?

Join the kick-off of a new Community event format: the Community Jam! Learn, discuss, reflect on a hot societal topic and of course, mingle!

In April we are kicking off a bi-monthly, regular community event titled Community Jam!

Each Jam is focusing on a hot topic in society and we will ask the community’s opinion about it in a facilitated conversation format.

The first topic is Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT – risks and possibilities of having it in our lives.

Come and join us for a Fishbowl conversation and then join us for a drink with the community 🙂

Time: 13th April, 18.00-19.30

Info Session #2 – Better Mobility Accelerator

Info Session #2 – Better Mobility Accelerator

Do you have a solution to make mobility more sustainable, clean and inclusive for all? The time is now to shape the future of mobility!


Join the Better Mobility Accelerator and shape the future of mobility! Are you passionate about creating a more equitable, accessible, and sustainable transportation system for all individuals in urban areas? The Better Mobility Accelerator is a Europe-wide six-month startup acceleration program funded by EIT Urban Mobility.

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IT? Join us in this online info session and learn more about how your venture can benefit from and how to apply for the Better Mobility Accelerator!


• Introduction to the program

• How to apply

• Q&A

ca. 45-60min




European mobility startups with solutions in the areas of Intermodality, Active Mobility, Public Realm, Workplace and Future Mobility who want to:

  • provide access for all
  • improve safety for all
  • ensure effective & affordable mobility for all
  • secure green mobility for all



  • Direct access to living labs and cities to test and validate your solutions
  • Accelerate international market entry and expansion with a network of urban mobility innovators, investors & inclusion experts
  • Access to a vast network of public administration, industry partners, new target groups, customers and investors
  • €30,000 in support services including business coaching to mentoring
  • Access to investment and funding vehicles
  • Financial support for travel expenses


  • April 21: End of Application
  • April – May: Application Review
  • May 12: Announcement Startup Shortlist
  • May 24 – 26: Startup Pitches
  • June 1: Final Selection

JUNE – DECEMBER six online & offline modules on investment readiness, trend research, investmentopportunities on inclusive product design, market access and validation.


How to tell your impact story and distinguish yourself from greenwashing

How to tell your impact story and distinguish yourself from greenwashing

Amidst greenwashing, how do social enterprises cut through the noise and position themselves to attract customers and funders?

We constantly face greenwashing across all sectors, thanks to vague language like ‘green’, ‘natural’, and ‘environmentally friendly’, with businesses misrepresenting their environmental claims and causing customer confusion.

Amidst this confusion, how do we position our social enterprises to potential customers, segment audiences, and select the best channels to reach and funders to share our story and its impact on the people and planet?

Come and learn from the experience of Camilla Marcus Dew, Head of Ventures at Connection Crew CIC & Rebecca Ghim, Founder & Director at The Ferm. Be ready to spend the hour to know the challenges and tips in impact marketing.

We will provide you with a space for friendly impactful conversations surrounding the journeys of entrepreneurs in the climate space.

This is an event for:

  1. Individuals or organizations starting to develop circular/ sustainable solutions
  2. Sustainable start-ups looking to share their experience starting their initiatives
  3. Organizations supporting new sustainable businesses to launch
Comment optimiser votre potentiel durablement, en respectant votre santé !

Comment optimiser votre potentiel durablement, en respectant votre santé !

Cet atelier vous partage les outils pour faire face au stress et favoriser l’utilisation intelligente de votre potentiel de manière durable!

💪Vous êtes surmené et en quête de moyens pour booster votre énergie et votre performance ?

Ne cherchez plus, l’atelier de Charlotta Stenvall est fait pour vous!

En tant que spécialiste en développement des forces mentales et en prévention d’épuisement, coach et ergothérapeute, Charlotta vous propose un atelier de 1h riche en exercices pratiques faciles à mettre en place dans votre quotidien.

Au cours de cet atelier, vous serez sensibilisé aux facteurs qui impactent votre énergie, votre équilibre et votre performance 💡, vous apprendrez des stratégies concrètes de résilience mentale 🧠, et réfléchirez à des pistes d’optimisation durables pour votre propre situation 💭. Et ce n’est pas tout, Charlotta restera à votre disposition pendant 1h pour répondre à toutes vos questions ou besoins individuels 💬.

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité unique de booster votre énergie et de mobiliser vos forces mentales pour une optimisation durable de votre performance. Le tout pour seulement CHF 10.-. 🚀

Son site :

SkillShare Breakfast: Negotiating as an entrepreneur, how to say NO!

SkillShare Breakfast: Negotiating as an entrepreneur, how to say NO!

‘No’ is a dynamic that you’ve got to master before you can ever master ‘yes.’ Christopher Voss

We will introduce you to the world of negotiations. As an entrepreneur, working in the social sector or curious about the topic, you might already know how negotiations are essential for the success and survival of your causes. The purpose of this workshop is to give you an overview of what effective communication can mean to you and to your relationships. If you hear or say “no”, that’s when you realize the negotiation is about to begin. Through this workshop, we will focus on how to create value starting with No.

This workshop is part of the mission of the EU solidarity project ‘Negotiate for a Change’ – to give people in our society a stronger voice and empower our young change-makers to achieve change and drive progress through effective communication.

Goals and Learnings

🧠 Understand what negotiation is all about

‍🙌 Value Creation versus Value Claiming

👥 Emotions in Negotiation

✋ Understanding the No

🙋‍♀️ Practical experience with negotiations and feedback

The ideal goal is for you to feel empowered and to leave with a different perspective to approach your negotiations.


  • 9:00: Introduction (15 min)
  • Value Creation vs Value Claiming (15 min)
  • Pillars between Yes and No (15 min)
  • Case (15 min)
  • Feedback and Questions (15 min)
  • 10:30: End

Short-bio of the Trainer

Stanish is an entrepreneur and innovation Manager at Bosch. He is a trained young negotiator from the Vienna Negotiation School and has a lifelong passion for communication and leadership. He runs an EU project ‘Negotiate for a change’ project to bring Negotiation skills to young change-makers to have a positive impact on society. He is an Austrian Startups Entrepernuership Leadership Program fellow and is currently building an AI-driven Negotiation consultant to empower people in companies with negotiation skills. During his free time, he loves to write, dance tango, and travel to learn more about cultures. His mission is to impact effective communication. You can contact him on LinkedIn.

*A note on photography

We typically create photos at events we host. The photos are published to represent our activities on our website and in social media channels as well as possibly in print media, especially brochures, folders, etc. Further information on data protection, in particular, your right to Information, correction, deletion, etc can be found at signing up to this event, you agree to your picture being taken at this event.

Impact Hub Berlin Network Lunch & Berlin Partner Vortrag

Impact Hub Berlin Network Lunch & Berlin Partner Vortrag

Impact Hub Berlin ist mit Berlin Partner Teil des Circular Futures Festivals.

Das Impact Hub Berlin hat sich mit Berlin Partner zusammengeschlossen und veranstaltet ein Netzwerk-Mittagessen. Lerne die Impact Hub Community im neuen, zirkulär gebauten CRCLR House mitten im Herzen Neuköllns kennen. Neben dem Mittagessen gibt es Vorträge zum Thema

Allgemeines zur Wirtschaftsförderung Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, sowie den Bereich Energietechnik/Smart City; Informationen zu Standortvorteilen und Unterstützungsangeboten für Start-Ups und KMU in Berlin von Berlin Partner,

sowie auch einen Überblick über das Impact Hub Berlin und deren Ökosystem-Ansatz.

Sprecher*innen: Sara Moczygemba, Janis Gummersbach & Hannes Lebert