Impact Hub Ottawa
Are you a community-based organization working in Canada on peace, gender equity, or education? Are you interested in building your evaluation capacity? Curious about a community-led, grassroots approach to Canada’s SDG 2030 agenda?
The Centre for Community-Based Research and Conrad Grebel University College are hosting a four-part webinar series on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and community-based evaluation.
This webinar will provide an overview of community-based evaluation and how it can be used to localize the Sustainable Development Goals. While we ground our conversation in SDGs 4 (quality education), 5 (gender equity), and 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions), anyone is welcome to attend.
Co-facilitated by team members from The Centre for Community-Based Research & the Kindred Centre for Peace Advancement at Conrad Grebel University College, who are partnering on the project, “Building Community-Based Evaluation Capacity to Advance Sustainable Development Goals”.
Facilitators include:
- Sarah Switzer, Senior Researcher, Centre for Community-Based Research
- Jean de Dieu Basabose, Researcher, Centre for Community-Based Research
- Rich Janzen, Executive Director, Centre for Community-Based Research
- Madeline Docherty, Student Intern, Centre for Community-Based Research
- Paul Heidebrecht, Director, Kindred Centre for Peace Advancement, Conrad Grebel University College
This webinar is just one part of the conversation. Register for the rest of the series:
- Webinar 1(April 1, 2022): Overview of Community-Based Evaluation: Evaluating SDGs for Local Impact
- Webinar 2 (April 22, 2022): Laying the Foundation in Community-Based Evaluation: Evaluating SDGs for Local Impact
- Webinar 3 (April 29, 2022): Planning your evaluation and data gathering and analysis in Community-Based Evaluation: Evaluating SDGs for Local Impact
- Webinar 4 (May 6, 2022): Acting on Findings in Community-Based Evaluation: Evaluating SDGs for Local Impact
Brown Bag Lunches are Impact Hub Ottawa’s weekly lunch & learns led by Hubbers, for members and non-members alike. Topics vary each week, but you’re always sure to learn something new!
Please note:
- A link to register via Zoom will be provided once you sign up on Eventbrite
- This event will be recorded and shared with Impact Hub Ottawa members and all who register
Tickets: In an effort to make this event as accessible as possible and to remove cost as a barrier to participating, we’re offering a tiered pricing system including a fully subsidized option. Upon checkout, please select the option that best suits your needs – no questions asked.
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