
April 23


11:00 - 12:00

Event Category:

Impact Hub

Click to Register: Click to Register

Impact Hub Ottawa

Website: Organizer's Website
Asking the Right Questions: How to Build Back Better After the Pandemic

About this Event

About this session – The need for an effective, equitable response to the coronavirus pandemic has rightly pushed every other issue off the priority list. But with governments investing trillions in post-COVID economic relief, today’s choices will determine how well we confront the climate and biodiversity crises tomorrow and build resilience for the next crisis. How do we talk about anything but COVID in a moment of crisis, in a way that builds wider buy-in for the bigger-picture solutions we also need and want?

About the host – Longtime Hubber Mitchell Beer is publisher of The Energy Mix, a free e-digest on climate change, energy, and carbon-free futures. He’s worked on climate change since 1997, clean energy since 1977. A proudest moment was building a wind turbine out of wooden stir sticks with his then-11-year-old daughter, and improv comedy practices are sometimes the best part of his week.

* A link to register via Zoom will be provided once you sign up on Eventbrite. We apologize for the extra step, this is done for security reasons! *

Brown Bag Lunches are Impact Hub Ottawa’s weekly lunch & learns led by Hubbers, for members and non-members alike! Topics vary each , but you’re always sure to learn something new!

Free tickets – Available to Members and anyone for whom cost is a barrier to attending.

Helping Hand Donation – For those who are able, the support of a donation – of any amount – will help carry us through this period of uncertainty and ensure that we can provide the same level of service when we reopen!