To increase accessibility to both our community and support resources for everyone striving for impact, starting November 1st, Impact Hub Houston will transition to a “Pay What You Can” model for Community Membership! We made this decision with the goal of fostering a more equitable and inclusive environment for all Changemakers coming from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Our mission to support social entrepreneurs and impact ventures remains steadfast as we move toward 2025 and beyond!
Updates to Membership:Community Membership will offer connections for those who want to be an active member of the Impact Hub Houston and Impact Hub Global communities and benefit from engaging with fellow changemakers. In lieu of the Growth Membership, which we are sunsetting, those who are ready to work on and actively grow their businesses will now be invited to apply for any of our Support Stack and acceleration programs as they are announced!
Event Hosting: If you would like to host an event with us that helps inspire, connect, and empower entrepreneurs, you now have the ability to apply for venue sponsorship! If approved, we would serve as a co-host for the event and work with you to ensure it is empowering and impactful. To apply for this, please complete the Impact Hub Houston Event Co-Host Application.
Mailing Address: We unfortunately can no longer accept mail on behalf of members or allow others to use our new mailing address as their own.
What’s Staying the Same?
Our unwavering commitment to helping social entrepreneurs and Changemakers to be SEEN, HEARD & VALUED.
Our focus on creating an intentional, inclusive, and international community where people who are working to solve Houston’s most pressing issues can flourish.
Access to an Impact-Driven Community: Build meaningful relationships with individuals like you who care about growing their ventures and making a difference. Connect with other thought leaders, and develop and access speaking, presentation, and pitch opportunities.
Drop in access to Impact Hub! Stop in and co-work or catch up during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
“Welcome to the Community” Feature: Get spotlighted on our social media accounts and showcase your organizations, events, and milestones in our monthly newsletter.
Global Opportunities: Engage with like-minded peers, partners, customers, and markets – and cultivate new opportunities – with Impact Hubs around the world.
Global Coworking Passport: Connect with a welcoming community and co-work at any of the 120+ Impact Hubs around the world.
Ecosystem Membership is Available: For mission-aligned organizations looking for a welcoming location to run programs and events, you are invited to join our ecosystem at $4,800/year for organizations with more than $1 million in annual revenue and $6,500/year for organizations with over $1 million annually..
We are excited about this new chapter at Impact Hub Houston and believe that these changes will allow us to serve our community better. We remain deeply committed to empowering each of you as you work toward your missions.
Impact Hub Houston Celebra su Sexto Aniversario con Resultados Excepcionales Durante el Primer Año del Innovador Programa MBDA Capital Readiness “Greater Houston Support Stack
HOUSTON, TX – Impact Hub Houston, una organización líder dedicada a acelerar los ecosistemas de emprendimiento e innovación equitativos, se complace en invitar a todos los emprendedores y grupos de interés del ecosistema empresarial a la celebración de su sexto aniversario el viernes 11 de Octubre en su nueva sede ubicada en el Edificio Esperson, en el centro de Houston, para el lanzamiento público del Greater Houston Support Stack, una iniciativa fundada gracias al apoyo del Departamento del Tesoro de los EE.UU. y el premio del Programa de Preparación de Capital de MBDA (CRP, por sus siglas en inglés). Impact Hub Houston fue una de las dos únicas organizaciones en el estado de Texas, y 43 a nivel nacional, en recibir este premio, marcando un hito para MBDA tras la promulgación de la agencia como una agencia federal permanente a través de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura. “El Programa de Preparación de Capital representa la mayor inversión en la historia del Departamento de Comercio para apoyar a empresarios y negocios desatendidos,” dijo la Secretaria de Comercio de EE.UU., Gina Raimondo.
Grace Rodriguez, Cofundadora y Directora Ejecutiva de Impact Hub Houston, declaró: “Nosotros y nuestros socios del Support Stack — Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC), Houston Area Urban League, Houston Business Development, Inc. (HBDI), United4Change Center, Goodspero, y The Pivot Partner — estamos encantados de haber recibido este premio de MBDA para lanzar el Greater Houston Support Stack, y estamos aún más emocionados de compartir públicamente su éxito y el impulso para brindar apoyo coordinado a los emprendedores de nuestra región. Esta iniciativa representa un cambio de paradigma en cómo colaboramos como un verdadero ecosistema para ayudar a los emprendedores desatendidos a navegar por los recursos y oportunidades de nuestra región. Gracias al financiamiento de MBDA y a la dedicación de nuestros socios, el Support Stack está ayudando a las empresas a desarrollar capacidades, contactos, contratos y capital para prosperar, teniendo un impacto significativo en las vidas, familias y comunidades de miles de personas en el área metropolitana de Houston.”
“Nuestro enfoque para el crecimiento y desarrollo de negocios minoritarios implica trabajar estrechamente con nuestras organizaciones asociadas estratégicas para aprovechar nuestros recursos colectivos y crear una ventanilla única para nuestras pequeñas empresas. Esto garantiza que las empresas de propiedad diversa tengan acceso a los abundantes recursos que ofrecemos y a los servicios de nuestros socios,” dijo Ingrid Robinson, Presidenta y CEO de HMSDC.
“Impact Hub Houston es una fuerza impulsora en el fomento de la innovación y el crecimiento emprendedor en nuestra vibrante ciudad. Su liderazgo visionario está creando nuevas oportunidades para todos, y en United4Change Center (U4C) nos enorgullece colaborar con una organización tan dinámica y con toda la red del Support Stack. Juntos, estamos empoderando a las empresarias hispanas y ampliando el acceso a oportunidades económicas para la creciente y diversa población de Houston. Nuestra alianza es esencial para avanzar en nuestra misión compartida de construir resiliencia y prosperidad en nuestra comunidad,” dijo Ximena Murillo, CEO de United4Change Center.
Inspirado por el concepto de un “stack tecnológico” sobre la cual las startups construyen sus soluciones, el Greater Houston Support Stack ofrece una base sólida para que los emprendedores hagan crecer sus negocios. Su red de organizaciones de apoyo a emprendedores y empresas, incubadoras, aceleradores, Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDFI), instituciones al servicio de las minorías (MSI) y grupos de desarrollo económico aprovechan su experiencia única para proporcionar una estrategia coordinada, una estructura clara y un conjunto integral de programas, servicios y apoyo, que incluye:
Compartir conocimientos y “mejores prácticas” de forma proactiva
Evaluación de necesidades
Programas y servicios relevantes para cada etapa
Referencias oportunas
Monitoreo de progreso colectivo
Con este enfoque, el Support Stack ha demostrado un impacto significativo en su primer año:
Más de 3,000 personas se han conectado y construido sus redes profesionales
406 emprendedores han completado programas de aceleración y capacitación
159 emprendedores han presentado sus proyectos a proveedores de capital y clientes empresariales
74 empresas han recibido más de $46,321,000 en capital no dilutivo y contratos
“Estos resultados subrayan el poder de la colaboración y el apoyo específico para emprendedores desatendidos,” agregó Rodriguez. “Estamos emocionados de construir sobre este impulso y continuar expandiendo nuestro alcance e impacto.”
Jessica Bolaños, CEO de Goodspero, el socio encargado de contar la historia del Support Stack, añadió: “Es inspirador capturar el trabajo transformador de Impact Hub Houston y del Support Stack, destacando las trayectorias de los diversos emprendedores en el área metropolitana de Houston. Con alrededor del 20% de las pequeñas empresas en EE.UU. fallando en su primer año y un 50% para el quinto, los emprendedores de Houston enfrentan desafíos similares, incluyendo el acceso al capital y la competencia. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar la resiliencia, el apoyo y los recursos que impulsan su éxito.”
Para agosto de 2027, se proyecta que el Greater Houston Support Stack habrá ayudado a más de 8,000 emprendedores en el área metropolitana de Houston, el condado de Harris, el condado de Fort Bend y las comunidades rurales circundantes a desarrollar capacidades, redes y capital para que puedan crecer y acceder a la Iniciativa Estatal de Crédito para Pequeñas Empresas (SSBCI, por sus siglas en inglés) y otros programas federales y oportunidades de financiamiento que faciliten la expansión.
Únete al Support Stack
Los emprendedores, innovadores y grupos de interés del ecosistema empresarial pueden registrarse en para asistir a la celebración y al lanzamiento.
Los innovadores, emprendedores y propietarios de negocios elegibles están invitados a aplicar para recibir asistencia y participar en los programas del Support Stack en
Las organizaciones de apoyo a emprendedores interesadas en unirse al Support Stack y recibir referencias, o aquellas que deseen obtener más información sobre el programa o Impact Hub Houston, por favor contacten a Grace Rodriguez en [email protected].
Sobre Impact Hub Houston, MBDA y HMSDC
Impact Hub Houston es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a inspirar, conectar y empoderar a diversos emprendedores y empresas de impacto. Como parte de una red global de más de 120 Impact Hubs en 68 países y seis continentes, Impact Hub Houston cataliza soluciones innovadoras, emprendimientos equitativos y el desarrollo de ecosistemas transformadores para un mundo más justo y sostenible.
La Agencia de Desarrollo de Negocios para Minorías (MBDA) promueve el crecimiento y la competitividad global de las Empresas Propiedad de Minorías (MBE, por sus siglas en inglés) con el fin de desbloquear el potencial económico completo del país. La MBDA fue establecida el 5 de marzo de 1969 por el Presidente Richard M. Nixon bajo el nombre de Oficina de Negocios para Minorías. El Programa de Preparación de Capital (CRP) de la MBDA está financiado por la Iniciativa Estatal de Crédito para Pequeñas Empresas (SSBCI) del Departamento del Tesoro y fue reautorizado bajo la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense de 2021. El CRP es un programa de asistencia técnica de $125 millones destinado a ayudar a los empresarios de minorías y otros empresarios desatendidos a hacer crecer y escalar sus negocios. El lanzamiento del Programa de Preparación de Capital marca un hito monumental para la MBDA, tras la promulgación de la Agencia como una Agencia Federal permanente en noviembre de 2021 como parte de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura del Presidente Biden.
El Consejo de Desarrollo de Proveedores Minoritarios de Houston (HMSDC) forma parte de una red nacional de 23 consejos regionales que representan a más de 17,000 empresas de propiedad minoritaria y más de 900 corporaciones importantes, incluidas la mayoría de las empresas de Fortune 500. HMSDC involucra activamente a sus miembros en esfuerzos para aumentar y expandir las oportunidades comerciales y el crecimiento de las Empresas Propiedad de Minorías (MBE, por sus siglas en inglés) y promover la excelencia en la diversidad y desarrollo de proveedores. HMSDC ofrece a los emprendedores de minorías la oportunidad de conectarse con muchas de las instituciones públicas y empresas privadas más grandes de América. Más información
Contactos: Consultas en Español: María Burgos, Coordinadora de Programa de Impact Hub Houston [email protected]
Consultas en Inglés: Grace Rodriguez, CEO/Directora Ejecutiva de Impact Hub Houston [email protected]
Impact Hub Houston Announces 6th Anniversary Celebration and Public Launch of the Groundbreaking MBDA Capital Readiness Program “Greater Houston Support Stack” Consortium
HOUSTON, TX – Impact Hub Houston, a leading organization dedicated to accelerating equitable entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, is thrilled to invite all entrepreneurs and business ecosystem stakeholders to its 6th Anniversary Celebration on Friday, October 11, at its new home in the Esperson Building in Downtown Houston, for the public launch of the Greater Houston Support Stack, an initiative founded thanks to the support of the U.S. Department of Treasury and MBDA Capital Readiness Program (CRP) award. Impact Hub Houston was one of only two organizations in the state of Texas and 43 nationwide to win the award, which marked a milestone for MBDA following the agency’s enactment as a permanent Federal Agency through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. “The Capital Readiness Program marks the largest investment to support underserved entrepreneurs and businesses in Commerce Department history,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.
Grace Rodriguez, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Impact Hub Houston, stated, “We and our Support Stack partners — Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC), Houston Area Urban League, Houston Business Development, Inc. (HBDI), United4Change Center, Goodspero, and The Pivot Partner — were thrilled to receive this award from the MBDA to launch the Greater Houston Support Stack, and we’re even more excited to publicly share its success and momentum for coordinated support for our region’s entrepreneurs. This initiative represents a paradigm shift in how we collaborate as a true ecosystem to help underserved entrepreneurs navigate our region’s resources and opportunities. Thanks to the MBDA grant and the dedication of our partners, the Support Stack is helping businesses build the capacity, contacts, contracts, and capital to thrive, making a significant impact on the lives, families, and communities of thousands of people in the Greater Houston area.”
“Our approach to minority business growth and development means working closely with our strategic partner organizations to leverage our collective resources to create a one-stop-shop for our small businesses. This ensures that diverse-owned companies have access to the abundant resources we provide and the services offered by our partners.”, said Ingrid Robinson, HMSDC President & CEO.
“Impact Hub Houston is a driving force in fostering innovation and entrepreneurial growth throughout our vibrant city. Its visionary leadership is creating new opportunities for all, and United4Change Center (U4C) is proud to collaborate with such a dynamic organization and the entire Support Stack network. Together, we are empowering Hispanic women entrepreneurs and expanding access to economic opportunities for Houston’s growing and diverse population. Our partnership is essential to advancing our shared mission of building resilience and prosperity in our community” said Ximena Murillo, CEO of United4Change Center.
Inspired by the concept of a “tech stack” upon which startups build their solutions, the Greater Houston Support Stack provides a strong foundation for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. Its network of entrepreneur and business support organizations, incubators, accelerators, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), minority-serving institutions (MSIs), and economic development groups leverage their unique expertise to provide a coordinated strategy, clear structure, and comprehensive suite of programs, services, and support, featuring:
Proactive knowledge and “best practice” sharing
Needs assessment
Stage-relevant programs and services
Timely referrals
Collective progress monitoring
With this approach, the Greater Houston Support Stack has demonstrated a significant impact in Year 1 of the MBDA Capital Readiness Program:
Over 3,000 individuals have connected and built their professional networks
406 entrepreneurs have graduated from acceleration and training programs
159 entrepreneurs have pitched to capital providers and enterprise customers
74 businesses have received over $46,321,000 in non-dilutive capital and contracts
“These results underscore the power of collaboration and targeted support for underserved entrepreneurs,” Rodriguez added. “We’re excited to build on this momentum and continue expanding our reach and impact.”
Jessica Bolaños, CEO at Goodspero, the Support Stack Storytelling Partner, adds: “It’s inspiring to capture the transformational work of Impact Hub Houston and the Support Stack, while highlighting the journeys of diverse entrepreneurs in Greater Houston. With around 20% of U.S. small businesses failing in the first year and 50% by the fifth, Houston entrepreneurs face similar challenges, including access to capital and competition. Our goal is to showcase the resilience, support, and resources driving their success.”
By August 2027, the Greater Houston Support Stack is projected to help over 8,000 entrepreneurs across Greater Houston, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and surrounding rural communities to build capacity, networks, and capital so they can grow and access the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) and other federal programs and funding opportunities that facilitate scaling.
Join the Support Stack
Entrepreneurs, innovators, and business ecosystem stakeholders may register at to attend the celebration, launch, and future events.
Eligible innovators, entrepreneurs, and business owners are invited to apply for Support Stack assistance and programs at
Entrepreneur support organizations interested in joining the Support Stack and receiving referrals, or those seeking more information about the program or Impact Hub Houston, please contact Grace Rodriguez at [email protected].
About Impact Hub Houston, MBDA, and HMSDC
Impact Hub Houston is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring, connecting, and empowering diverse entrepreneurs and impact ventures. As part of a global network of over 120 Impact Hubs in 68 countries across six continents, Impact Hub Houston catalyzes innovative solutions, equitable entrepreneurship, and transformational ecosystem development for a more just and sustainable world.
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) promotes the growth and global competitiveness of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in order to unlock the country’s full economic potential. The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) traces its origins back to March 5, 1969, when President Richard M. Nixon established it as the Office of Minority Business Enterprise. MBDA’s Capital Readiness Program (CRP) is funded by the Department of Treasury’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) and was reauthorized under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. CRP is a $125 million technical assistance program to help minority and other underserved entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses.The launch of the Capital Readiness Program marks a monumental milestone for MBDA, following the Agency’s enactment as a permanent Federal Agency in November 2021 as part of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC) is part of a national network of 23 regional councils representing over 17,000 minority-owned businesses and over 900 Major Corporations, including most Fortune 500 companies. HMSDC actively involves its members in efforts to increase and expand business opportunities and business growth for Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and to drive excellence in supplier diversity and supplier development. HMSDC provides minority entrepreneurs the chance to connect with many of America’s largest public institutions and private sector companies. Learn More
Contact: Grace Rodriguez, CEO/Executive Director of Impact Hub Houston
adidas and Impact Hub expand Community Lab Program to Houston
Calling for Local Social Entrepreneurs and Impact Ventures Working at the Intersection of Access and Equity in Sport
Houston, TX — Building upon its mission to uplift Black and Latino/a/e social entrepreneurs on their journeys to drive real change and advance equity in sports for their communities, adidas has opened applications for the 2024-2025 Community Lab cohort to Houston area entrepreneurs! From now through September 23, 2024, potential participants are invited to learn more and apply at
In partnership with a team comprising leaders at Impact Hub Houston, Impact Hub New York, and the global Impact Hub network, the adidas Community Lab is expanding its footprint and accepting applicants from Houston, Toronto, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and New York. adidas and collaborators Impact Hub, i.e. (Industry Education), and Black Ambition will co-create programming that helps elevate participants’ clear visions into impactful futures.
This year, the adidas Community Lab cohort will select entrepreneurs to receive eight months of intensive programming and $75,000 in grant funding to put their learnings into practice and generate growth for their business. Community Lab support elements include:
Expert pitch training
Exclusive access to workshops, community connections and fireside chats
Networking opportunities with adidas executives and top industry leaders
“As Community Lab enters its third year, we are thrilled to cultivate a larger cohort of social entrepreneurs who share our vision of removing barriers to accessing sport for the communities we collectively serve,” said Ayesha Martin, Senior Director of adidas Purpose.
Michelle Avalos, Co-Founder of Impact Hub Houston, shared: “Impact Hub is thrilled to partner and support this third iteration of adidas Community Lab, empowering visionary leaders who are advancing SDG3 —Good Health and Wellbeing — and SDG10 — Reduced Inequalities. Together, we’re helping entrepreneurs create equitable access to sports and foster healthier, more inclusive communities for all.”
“Black Ambition was founded to create the space, bespoke opportunities and relationships needed for underrepresented founders to excel, uninterrupted. We are excited to partner with adidas Purpose to extend elements of our renowned, global founder support model to social impact entrepreneurs positively transforming their communities through sports and wellness,” added Jermeen Sherman, Managing Director Black Ambition.
adidas is a global leader in the sporting goods industry. Headquartered in Herzogenaurach/Germany, the company employs more than 59,000 people across the globe and generated sales of € 22.5 billion in 2022.
About Impact Hub & Impact Hub Houston
Impact Hub leads the charge in creating communities for impact-driven entrepreneurs. Its diverse network of over 120 Impact Hubs in 69 countries around the world help people build better businesses, design impactful solutions, and reimagine the future with resources and support from local and regional ecosystems. Part of this network and Regional Lead for North America, Impact Hub Houston inspires, connects, and empowers entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into impact, build strong innovation and startup foundations, leverage diverse professional networks, and access new capital strategies and resources.
About Industry Education
This year programming is further enhanced by a bespoke leadership module by i.e. i.e. (Industry Education) is a startup venture enabling diverse creatives an accessible pathway to turn their dreams into meaningful professional careers through an apprenticeship network and leadership development series offered in partnership with leading corporations. i.e. founder and CEO Jessica Smith is an expert in leadership education and co-founder of adidas S.E.E.D.
About Black Ambition
Black Ambition is a non-profit organization founded by Pharrell Williams working to close the opportunity and wealth gap through entrepreneurship. They invest capital and resources in high-growth startups founded by Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs. They believe entrepreneurs historically left out of traditional investment funnels are building the companies of tomorrow. To date, they have mentored more than 1,000 underrepresented founders and awarded more than $10m to 101 dynamic entrepreneurs. They will support adidas Community Lab with specific programming sessions and an immersive network cultivation experience.
Aimed at raising funds and awareness for financial literacy education, the campaign highlights the founders’ mission to create the financial education program they wish they’d had, to help the next generation avoid the financial pitfalls they encountered.
EYF is more than a company, it’s a personal mission born out of our passion for promoting financial freedom and security. It all began with our founder, Grant, looking to solve his own financial struggles. Buried in student loans, drowning in credit card debt, and living paycheck to paycheck, just like 70% of Americans, he understood the urgent need for change.
Co-founder Keely’s journey towards financial literacy was sparked by a tragedy, followed by costly errors. After the sudden loss of her mother and stepfather, she received a life insurance payout. However, being just 17 and unaware of the true value of money or where to best allocate it, she made ill-advised investment decisions that wiped out any financial cushion she might have had.
Grant’s and Keely’s personal experiences have inspired them to make a real difference by creating an engaging and accessible financial learning platform through Money Quest, which immerses players in real-life financial scenarios, teaching critical skills and knowledge necessary for financial empowerment. It’s built on three pillars:
Financial literacy education through gaming.
Empowering individuals through knowledge and creativity.
Building partnerships for a lasting community impact.
EYF believes everyone should have the right to gain the knowledge and skills for sound financial decision-making. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to support their campaign to bring Money Quest to more youth, especially those facing challenging educational and financial circumstances in historically disadvantaged communities. EYF’s ultimate goal: To help people break out of the cycle of financial struggle, and forge a brighter future for themselves and their communities.
“I was once told that if you want to make a million dollars, then you need to help a million people. As I continued to think about this I tried solving the problem of my own lack of financial education. The deeper I got into solving this problem the more I realized all of my friends and family were financially illiterate as well as most of our country. The new question of “What would a financially literate society look like?” came up. I don’t know the answer, but I would like to find it and help solve this problem for all 331.9 million Americans.”
-Grant Watkins Co-Founder & CEO
“We envision a society where financial literacy is accessible to all, and where individuals are enabled with the tools to take control of their financial futures. Growing up, I never received a financial education, and have first-hand made costly mistakes that, if different, could have changed the trajectory of my life. I want to be sure no one has to suffer the same mistakes I did, and through gamification, we can make learning engaging and effective. We are bridging the gap between education and application, stepping in before the real-world consequences take place.”
-Keely McEnery Earn Your Freedom Co-Founder and COO
The Greater Houston region is home to one of the nation’s most entrepreneurial and diverse communities. This campaign seeks to reach individuals from all walks of life, equipping them with the tools necessary for financial success and stability. For more information on the campaign, and to partner on better outcomes for our region’s young people, please reach out to Grant Watkins at [email protected].
About Earn Your Freedom (EYF): EYF is a startup that combines gaming with financial education. Its mission is to enable individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for financial independence. Through its engaging and innovative game Money Quest, EYF is breaking the mold and setting a new standard for financial education.
As we kick off the vibrant month of Pride, I want to take a moment to express our unwavering support for the LGBTQ+ community. At Impact Hub Houston, we firmly believe in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental values that shape our work. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals can thrive, inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.
We understand that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is ongoing, and that discrimination, hate crimes, and systemic barriers persist. We must do more, and do better. As an organization dedicated to supporting solutions and startups for positive social and environmental impact, we recognize the profound importance of being an ally to people from marginalized communities. Their diverse perspectives and experiences are essential for sparking creativity, driving innovation, and developing sustainable solutions to the complex challenges we all face. By embracing the LGBTQ+ community, we not only honor their tremendous contributions and talents, but we also enrich our Greater Houston community by fostering a culture of acceptance, respect, and empathy for all.
As the Human Rights Campaign says: Every person has their own journey in understanding what it means to support LGBTQ+ people, whether you’re LGBTQ+ or not. We encourage you to visit their “Being an LGBTQ+ Ally” guide to help you begin that journey:
Being an ally means actively listening, learning, and advocating for the rights and well-being of others. It means creating safe spaces where individuals can bring their whole selves to the table, free from discrimination, fear, or prejudice. We are committed to using our platform to raise awareness, challenge bias, and advocate for policies and practices that promote equality and inclusion. We will work non-stop to inspire, connect, and empower all individuals, inclusive of their ethnicity, culture, age, ability, whom they love, and how they express themselves.
This Pride Month, let us come together as a community, united in our dedication to justice and equality. Let us celebrate the victories achieved, amplify the voices that have been silenced or suppressed, and recommit ourselves to the work ahead. Together, we can create a future where everyone is seen, heard, valued, and welcomed for who they are.
Happy Pride Month!
Grace Rodriguez
Executive Director
Impact Hub Houston
United4Change unlocks the potential of Spanish-speaking women entrepreneurs through its micro-entrepreneurship empowerment program
Houston, TX 05/16/2023:United4Change Center (U4C) is pleased to announce that the first 4-month Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Program in Houston: “Programa de Empoderamiento y Micro-Emprendimiento para Mujeres Emprendedoras de Houston”, which has been sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co, has successfully started on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. The initial group of participants started their 4-month empowerment and entrepreneurship journey at Impact Hub Houston.
The U4C Program is delivered by professionals and experts with more than 30 years of experience combined in women empowerment, economic development, entrepreneurship, business and management. It is based on five fundamental pillars:
Micro-entrepreneurship education
Practical implementation
Creativity & innovation
Mentorship by experts
Network and support groups.
U4C has also partnered with UNIKEMIA, an educational institution created by academics with experience in world-class business schools, to provide Spanish-speaking women in Houston with high-quality hybrid business education.
“We believe everyone deserves the dignity of being able to provide economically for themselves and their families. As an organization committed to the cause of social justice, we believe economic empowerment is among the most sustainable way to bring people too often left out of meaningful opportunity to the American Dream.”
– Ximena Murillo, United4Change Founder/CEO
“We believe entrepreneurship is key to realizing social justice and U4C is committed to helping Houstonians in realizing the full potential this community offers..”
The U4C Program is based on a holistic approach and focused on women from underserved and at-risk communities (migrants/immigrants, refugees, low socioeconomic status and/or domestic violence survivors). Houston is one of the nation’s most entrepreneurial, business-friendly, and diverse communities.
“When you speak to me in English, you speak to my brain, but when you speak to me in Spanish, you speak to my heart. – An adaptation from Nelson Mandela’s famous quote which I heard a prominent Latino leader say during the 2022 Hispanic Leadership Summit. I saw this quote manifest in real life at the Mujeres Emprendedoras de Houston Kickoff event. We are extremely grateful to have United4Change Center as an Ecosystem Member of Impact Hub Houston. 35% of Harris County’s population speaks Spanish as their first language. By bringing this in-language and culturally relevant program to life, U4C is meeting a crucial need for the Hispanic micro-business community in our city. The intentionality from their team is impeccable and we’re honored to be hosting this impactful program and powerful group of female micro-entrepreneurs.”
– Michelle Avalos, Impact Hub Houston Co-Founder/Deputy Director
About United4Change Center (U4C): U4C is a non-profit organization based in Houston that promotes social justice and peace globally through collaborative partnerships that empower marginalized groups, creating conditions for self-directed, dignified, and sustainable existence. In genuine partnership with community leaders and the beneficiaries of our initiatives, we seek to create conditions that build and strengthen the resilience of marginalized groups in fragile communities. U4C has designed and implemented several Social, Economic, and Humanitarian Impact Projects. U4C has been recognized in the United States and internationally for its work and dedication to promoting social justice and sustainable peace.
For more information about this exciting Program, please reach out to Ximena Murillo at [email protected].
For the launch of our global Environmental Strategy, we spoke to Anne Merkle, Environmental Lead at Impact Hub Network.
Q: First things first, tell us, why do you do what you do?
A: Simply put, because I carry a deep love for our planet in me and want to know that I did everything possible for future generations to have the chance for a vibrant, peaceful and content life.
When I grew up on a small island in the Baltic Sea in Germany I had no idea about what harm was already taking place. The Club of Rome already pointed to the threat in 1972 but growth was more important and too little did people know and understand.
Now most of us do understand that there is a crisis – one that impacts us all. I just could not pretend and simply continue with the “good life” I envisioned for myself when I was building my sandcastles on the beach.
Anne Merkle, Environmental Lead at Impact Hub Network
I decided to listen to science, educate myself, change what I can in my own life and dedicate my work to tackling climate change and biodiversity loss in my unique way. The environmental emergency we all face can seem far away but just let this sink in: half of the island I grew up on will disappear with sea levels rising and this is just 80 years away. My home town will be almost completely gone. It might not happen in my lifetime but that doesn’t make it matter any less. I had two options: get paralysed or do what I could. You can guess what I chose – using my area of influence, my skills and taking it one step at a time.
Even if it is small steps – moving is what matters. If we all – governments and non-greenwashing corporates, but also start-ups and us as humans – do the same, let’s see what might be possible. I want to be a climate optimist!
Q: Incredible story, Anne. Thanks for sharing. You’re leading the launch of the Environmental Strategy of the Impact Hub Network. What is this all about? Who’s involved?
A: When the Impact Hub Network decided last year that environmental action as well as diversity, equity and inclusion will be our two key focus areas in our 2030 strategy, my heart jumped! The potential for all 100+ Impact Hubs to stand behind and put their energy on these two crucial and very interconnected topics… WOW. Don’t get me wrong, Impact Hub has already had so many great successes in social innovation and many environmental programs. Still, this strategy can take us to a whole new level – so much is possible.
The Impact Hub Network stands side by side with the local, regional and global communities that are aiming to tackle our climate emergency. As a network, we aim to contribute to building a regenerative economy while focusing specifically on actions in the areas of Net Zero (energy, mobility and construction), Food & Agriculture and Circularity.
Of course, we acknowledge our limited climate expertise – but we want to use our unique innovation and start-up support knowledge, our influence and our locally rooted globally yet connected networks, to co-create with key partners. We can’t – and won’t – do this alone but we are ready for serious and large scale action. Doing this with three core values in mind: being grounded in science, daring and positive.
The strategy was co-created with Impact Hubs across the globe and we are now moving into implementation. I hope in a year from now we can say: everyone – every Impact Hub employee, every member, every partner – thinks about and acts on our environmental action strategy and it is fully integrated within our work. Making it a priority will offer all our members a great chance to grow in this area and receive targeted support while opening the doors for many new strategic partnerships.
Q: Sounds ambitious! Can you elaborate on some concrete actions we’re taking as a network?
A: We have three key areas of action for now. And being honest, we will learn (a lot!) together as a network and with our partners and adapt as we go. Nevertheless, this is our starting point:
First, to empower our membersto have either neutral or positive environmental impact. It doesn’t matter what SDG they work on. We want to support all our members to consider their environmental impact and act on it. Let’s not forget we are talking about 24.000 people and counting!
Second, to support green ventures to scale their impact faster, especially in our focus areas (net zero, Food & Agriculture and Circularity). We want to run more thematic local, regional and global programs; convene key stakeholders to co-create actions; and create more visibility for the existing solutions of our members.
Lastly, to role model through our spaces. For us, looks both at becoming a CO2 Neutral Coworking community by 2025 (and eventually net zero) but goes further by looking at all our operations and aims to fully integrate the topic in a locally fitting manner.
Anne Merkle at Col des Évettes / Glacier du Grand Méan, France
Q: Which two actions are you personally most excited about?
A: I would first choose our recent Circularity Program. In 2021, we started a prototype exploring how to integrate circular design principles into all our programs across 12 Impact Hubs in Africa and Europe. The idea is simple: equipping start-up founders with this knowledge early on to anticipate the environmental impact of their ventures and make different choices when it is still easy to make changes.
After this pilot, the intention is to have all 100+ Impact Hubs incorporate this knowledge in all their programs. This is already pretty exciting as we run 240+ start-up support programs a year across the network.
We also want to make this knowledge and approach accessible to other social enterprise support organisations – so can you imagine everyone supporting start-ups includes education on circularity as a standard for their programs across the globe? Nice, right?!
The second? I will keep it brief. We already have a lot of excellent programs globally and within local Impact Hubs, such as the Ikea Supply Chain Innovation on food and packaging or the 35ish programs we run with WWF – one of our global strategic partners for almost 10 years tackling topics from deforestation in the Amazon, to innovative solutions to protect biodiversity in Austria, to sustainable energy in Rwanda to a recent program on plastics in China. I am super excited to identify the programs that work best, bring the concepts to more Impact Hubs and get back to the drawing board to come up with some completely new program ideas with partners.
And of course, there are many internal pieces we will need to figure out. One example is how do we measure, compensate and reduce our CO2 as a community operating in 60 countries, each facing different realities. We are excited to get started!
Q: Love the excitement! Now, let’s dream a little. What’s the potential impact we aim to make through these actions?
A: Today’s start-ups are tomorrow’s multinationals. When talking about environmental action it takes a lot of effort from governments (big time!) and of course, companies and citizens are just as important. Yet, start-ups and their contribution is often overlooked. That is the unique role that Impact Hub can play: getting the start-up world (starting with our network… but you asked me to dream!) to come to play and not on the side stage but joining the others on the main stage. It is not just the start-up solutions but also the entrepreneurial spirit and the innovative energy that we need so badly to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis we face.
When we reach 2030, I hope we will look back and be proud of the change we co-created with our members and partners. We are ready – it won’t be perfect but we are hungry for change and want to contribute in our unique way as a network.
Q: Thank you, Anne, for this inspiring, action-filled, story.
Harris County has created a new $30 Million Small Business Relief Fund to support micro and small businesses recovering from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Created with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Small Business Relief Fund is being administered by LiftFund, a nonprofit community development financial institution (CDFI); and we are proud to announce that Impact Hub Houston is partnering with LiftFund to help more entrepreneurs, founders, and micro and small businesses learn about and get access to this critical funding so they can survive and thrive in these incredibly trying times.
Eligible small business owners may apply for financial support in the form of grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 to advance their recovery from the economic setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The application window will open Monday, September 20 at 9:30AM and close Monday, October 4 at 5:30PM Central Standard Time. The application process is not first-come, first-served; all completed applications will be reviewed for eligibility and prioritized based on small business impact parameters. Below you will find more details about this program, including eligibility, funding methodology and timeframe.
To learn more, scroll down and/or attend one of LiftFund’s upcoming Virtual Info Sessions:
Registered business operating in Harris County. Check this map see if your business address is located in the county
Must have 30 or fewer employees (including part time, contractors and full-time employees and owners)
In operation before April 2020
Experienced negative impact on operations due to the pandemic
Annual revenue of less than $500,000 dollars in 2019 and 2020
Be in good standing Texas Comptroller’s office with no outstanding tax obligations or liabilities
Tax-exempt businesses, gambling businesses, residential builders, speculative real estate investors, government entities and sexually-oriented businesses are not eligible. You can view the list of prohibited NAICS codes here.
Grant Awards & Limitations
The Harris County Small Business Relief Fund will provide grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 to eligible micro and small businesses. Funds must be used for business-related expenses, including payroll, working capital, business rent, inventory, supplies, equipment, and other operating costs.
Grant applicants are only eligible to receive one grant award
Only one grant may be awarded per business with more than one location
Limited to one grant per physical address within Harris County
Documentation Required
The grant application will require verification of pertinent documentation.
Personal Identification
Driver’s license or government-issued photo ID
Business Information
Proof of business registration with Harris County or TX Secretary of State
Q1 2021 941, payroll report or 1099 to verify number of employees
Business utility bill (water, gas, electric) Home based businesses may provide a home utility bill.
Business Financials: 2019 and 2020 business tax return (additional financial documents, such as bank statements or P&L may be requested if losses cannot be verified by the tax returns)
DD 214 proof of military discharge (veterans only)
Scoring Methodology
The Harris Small Business Relief Fund awards will not be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will be assessed and scored using the following methodology. Applications with the highest scores will be reviewed and approved first. Applications will have up to 150 points based on the following five elements, each with a maximum of 30 points.
The program has a priority for woman, minority and veteran-owned businesses
Previous access to financial support
Receipt of previous federal COVID-19 funding through PPP loan, EIDL or Harris County grants
Applications will be accepted from Monday, September 20 at 9:30AM to Monday, October 4 at 5:30PM.
The application review period will start on October 5, 2021 and continue through January 9, 2022.
The grant funds will be awarded monthly beginning in November 2021 and through January 2022. Eligible applications with the highest scores will be reviewed and awarded first, followed by applications with lower scores.
Now that COVID-19 and climate change have profoundly disrupted society and our economies, how might we innovate investment in impact and build more just, equitable, and resilient economies by 2030?
We are addressing this at the Impact Hub Houston’s “Investing2030: Redefining the Future of ROI” Summit on Thursday, May 20th, from 12:00pm CT to 5:00pm CT!
Investing2030 aims to provide a window into this future, where a surge in entrepreneurs developing “glocal” (global+local) solutions to the world’s most pressing issues intersects with the next generation of funders implementing triple-bottom-line investing with an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) lens.
From climate change to economic, gender, and racial inequalities to crises in health, education, and more — areas targeted by the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — we know that it will require more inclusion, more ideas, more innovation, and more investment to effectively address all of these issues and get our planet on a positive track by 2030.
You will walk away from Investing2030 with a better understanding of:
Diverse types of impact ventures and social entrepreneurs
What fundraising looks like in different regions, industries and verticals
How to raise funding at various stages of growth
What entrepreneurs’ *real* challenges have been for fundraising in Houston
…And more!
Investing2030 is happening during Houston Tech Rodeo May 18-24 and is open to all: entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, and community members who are interested in learning more about transforming “Return On Investment” into “Return On Impact.” And it’s FREE and virtual, so all can attend! Registration is still open — Join us to learn from and connect with people at the forefront of our Impact + Investment ecosystem!