VOTE November 3rd: Our Democracy Depends On It!
You can make a difference: Vote *in person* on Election Day, November 3, 2020 to ensure your vote gets counted!
- Find Your Polling Place – Polling locations and times are subject to change so be sure to locate your polling place before you go.
- See What’s On Your Ballot – use Ballotpedia’s sample ballot lookup tool to view your state’s ballot and learn more about local races in your county.
- Review Voter ID Requirements – Voter ID requirements can frequently change, so double check your state’s Voter ID Laws to ensure you have what you need before you head to the polls.
- Practice COVID-19 Safety – Continue to follow essential COVID-19 health tips including wearing a mask, sanitize/wash your hands before and after voting, and maintain social distancing while waiting in line. Select your state to view COVID-19 election information.
- VOTE! – Make sure your voice is heard on November 3. Vote early to avoid longer wait times on Election Day. Make a voting plan and check in with your friends to make sure they are ready to snag a snazzy “I Voted” sticker, too.
To find your voter eligibility and your closest polling locations, visit
To protect your rights as a voter, get to know what they are and what you’re able to do about them at’s Election Protection Guide. If you encounter any issues when trying to vote, call the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-687-8683.
Now share this with your friends and family, and make your plan to get to the polls on Tuesday, November 3rd!