May 12
Time:8:00 - 9:30
Event Category:Impact Hub, Impact Hub Houston
Click to Register: Click to RegisterImpact Hub Amsterdam
Analysing supply chain developments and mitigation strategies, risks & responsible business conduct
With COVID-19 disrupting international production and trade, organisations with international supply chains are facing major challenges. These challenges grow in complexity when sustainable and responsible business conduct is top priority within the organisation.
In this online event on May 12, a group of peer professionals will unite to analyse current and expected supply chain developments and mitigation strategies building upon their own experiences. What challenges are these organisations facing and what ideas are out there to overcome these? How can we ensure responsible business in these challenging times? Together, we aim to identify and exchange strategies to strengthen our supply and value chains and thereby safeguard the continuity of business.
➜ Helena Posthumus | Senior Advisor at the Sustainable Economic Development & Gender unit at KIT
Helena’s current work focuses on sustainable and inclusive food systems, agri-food value chains, rural development and responsible business conduct. She obtained an MSc and PhD at Wageningen University, combining Development Economics and Sustainable Land Management with a particular focus on agriculture in developing countries. She worked in the United Kingdom for eight years as a research fellow at two universities before joining KIT in 2013. Her passion is to bridge the areas of academia, policy and practice on sustainable economic development and food systems.
➜ Jan-Marcel Schubert | Conservation Cacao Leader at Original Beans.
Jan-Marcel Schubert is leading Original Beans Sourcing work and is in charge of project development in Latin America. Starting with his own chocolate company in 2006, when he was only 16 years old he joined Original Beans as a volunteer in 2010 in Ecuador. After studying food technology and researching on origin analysis on cacao he moved to Ecuador, where he lives now for several years and set up Original Beans conservation & cacao projects in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. His strength is networking between conservation- , development- and farmers- organisations, always keeping the focus on his favourite subject: selection of native cacaos. Watch the video to learn more about Original Beans here.
➜ You! | The event will continue with an interactive process facilitated by Community Developer Impact Hub Amsterdam. In this part of the event, we will generate insights for overcoming challenges and accelerating solutions for supply chains during the coronacrisis.