Impact Hub Amsterdam
How can we come together as an Art of Hosting community in the Netherlands, and strengthen our capacity to collaborate?
You are invited to join the upcoming Art of Hosting NL Comeback Day, and take this opportunity to re-connect with fellow AoH practitioners in the Netherlands. We will take the time to reflect on our individual and collective practice and see how it is unfolding.
These are some of the questions we will explore together:
“In these challenging times we are living in, how can our Art of Hosting practice be in service of what needs to be addressed? What am I called to do? And how can we collectively strengthen our capacity to collaborate?”
What is an AoH Comeback Day (NL)?
It is an opportunity to (re-)connect to fellow practitioners in the Netherlands. It’s a chance to see how others have been practising the methodologies of the Art of Hosting in diverse fields and a space for those who seek new collaborations to explore topics and issues related to one’s own calling. These Comeback Days NL are usually organized twice a year as we aim to create a regular space for our community to gather, reconnect and strengthen our collective field.
Who is it for?
This Comeback Day invites all previous participants of Art of Hosting & Participatory Leadership trainings in the Netherlands (since 2003!) and those who may have [participated in an AoH abroad but are based in the Netherlands. We bring together the English and Dutch-speaking communities and create an atmosphere where all are welcome across language, sectors, experience and levels of practice. (The event will be held in English)
Where do we gather this time?
2020 has forced us to rethink the way we gather and connect, making it often difficult to meet in person. For this edition of the Comeback Day, we will therefore gather online (we will also have a shorter version than the usual ones)!
A Zoom link will be sent out to all registered participants prior to the event.
13.15 – 13.45 Optional virtual lunch to informally reconnect with fellow practitioners.
14.00 – Start of the online gathering & Check in
Main program – Exploring the calling questions
17.30 Official closing of the Comeback Day
Fee: This Comeback Day is offered for free to the Dutch AoH Community.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Your hosting team,
Laura Grassi and Tatiana Glad
Who is this comeback day for?
This programme invites all previous participants of Art of Hosting & Participatory Leadership trainings in the Netherlands, and those who may have participated in an AoH abroad but are currently living and working in the Netherlands. The idea behind this day is to reconnect with the local community of practitioners and see what are the activities that are taking place locally.
I have never attended an Art of Hosting / Art of Participatory Leadership training, but I still would like to attend. Can I still join?
The Comeback Day is designed to (re)connect practitioners that have previously experienced an Art of Hosting/Participatory Leadership training (3-days). Therefore this day is only for people that did this training before. It would be lovely to meet you in another occasion though!
I have attended an AOH/AOPL training in another country than the Netherlands/Belgium but I currently live & work there. Can I still attend?
Yes! The comeback day aims at bringing together the local community of practitioners, so if you are currently living in one of these countries and you are actively involved with the local communities, you are more than welcome to come and (re)connect with fellow practitioners.
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Well, the event has now moved online… so you can join from the comfort of your own couch. 😉
I have never used Zoom before, is it difficult to use?
Zoom, is a relatively simple platform to use. If it’s the first time for you to use this software, you will need to first download a small plug-in and install it either on your computer (recommended) or on your phone. In case you would like to test the platform, we will be available to help you set it up correctly and ensure you can join us online. Please let us know if you are new to zoom and have troubles setting it up, so that we can support you in a timely manner.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
For more information, you can contact Laura Grassi
( laura.grassi [at] ).